Monday, October 29, 2012

Montezuma Recap Machine

Hey guys, short update for you today. We officially have channels on both YouTube and Vimeo. Here's a video our own Chris Herlevic put together recapping our most recent October run. Check it out!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Montezuma Midwest Recap Machine

Hello all, we're on the other side of three incredible days on the road in Lexington, Indianapolis, and Chicago. We here at MFM Incorporated like to give credit where credit's due, so we'd like to say THANK YOU to the following people/places/things:

  • The Past for putting us up in Lexington
  • Momma Kelso for hooking us up with a hotel room for two nights in Chicago
  • The Rock House Cafe in Indianapolis for taking such good care of a group on the road
  • Miqui Gutierrez for stepping in and absolutely killin' it on Tenor Sax
  • Anyone who bought a CD or had kind words to say about our music, y'all kept us going.
We filmed the sets in Indianapolis and Chicago so keep your ear to the ground for videos from both of those shows. Playing for everyone this weekend was a blast! Our next task is making this record happen, we'll keep y'all posted.

Te Amo


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Montezuma Midwest Invasion Machine

The past few days have been filled with some last minute scrambling and rehearsing and it has all paid off. Much gratitude go towards the people that helped make this weekend happen. Tomorrow we head out to the Midwest! We're hitting three cities we've never been to before and we'll be joined by our good friend Miqui Gutierrez on Tenor Saxophone for these dates. Miqui's done awesome work on his own in town with our buddies Deep Fried Five, AJ and the Jiggawatts, and Rosetta Groove plus countless other sideman gigs and we're stoked to have him along! Here's an UPDATED list of where we'll be and who we'll be with. 

  • 10/11 Lexington, Kentucky at Cosmic Charlie's with This Season's Color and The Past
  • 10/12 Indianapolis, Indiana at Rock House Cafe with Dell Zell, Polarizer, and No Pit Cherries
  • 10/13 Chicago, Illinois at Reggie's with Tonos Triad and Zaius
When we get back, we're making a record happen. As of now we aren't playing again until November but we will be sure to keep you posted on our doings. 

Much Love