Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Montezuma October Machine

Hello all, it's been a minute since we posted and it's time to rectify that. If you're in Middle Tennessee, come catch us in the Boro at Wall Street with Opposite Box and Infinite Orange on the 29th! The Opposite Box dudes threw together a pretty sweet flyer, they're also playing in Clarksville the night before.

We have finished demos for the new record and we're in the process of getting incentives to the Kickstarter donators. Thanks again guys, we really could not have done this without your support. October is recording month but we're doing a 4 shows in 6 days that we're really stoked for.

 November has some shows in store for us as well. Hangar Production's website will also be up in a few days which we're stoked about. Also, shout out to our boys Roots of a Rebellion who killed it at Live on the Green last week and have a new EP coming out in a few weeks. 

More from us soon

Monday, September 10, 2012

Montezuma Thanks Machine

Not too much to report that wasn't covered in the last one, but the Kickstarter campaign ended today. We finished out with $3,307 from 24 people and are intensely grateful towards those who helped out. Cheers!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Montezuma September Machine

Welcome to September, folks.

Preparation for the record continues! Songs are being tweaked, concepts are being conceptualized, and we have DIY'd some acoustic paneling for our jam space in the hills of East Nashville (37206 represent!) so we can start cutting demos for the record ASAP.

As of now we have two shows booked for the month of September. Catch us FO FREE at the Exit/In on the 9th with Remerra and on the 17th at the Basement (not the Attic) with The Joy of Painting and others. Here's some more details about the 17th.

We have a few other shows in the works, we'll keep you guys posted on when and where those are going down once they manifest fully. Cheers!